Navigating barriers in asian medicine

Our Industry Challenge

At AMCG, we recognize the intricate landscape of healthcare, which presents different financial hurdles for Asian Medicine Practitioners in the U.S., impeding growth and sector sustainability. We are dedicated to supporting our members in navigating these challenges, offering innovative solutions that address the headwinds faced in our industry.

Addressing the Undervaluation of Eastern Approaches

Many dedicated Asian Medicine practitioners often find themselves disheartened by the realization that their invaluable skills and expertise are not adequately compensated. Despite the extensive training and knowledge required to practice Asian Medicine effectively, practitioners frequently fail to receive the remuneration they deserve.  This disparity is primarily rooted in the undervaluation of Asian Medicine and other Eastern modalities within the broader U.S. healthcare system. The misconception that Asian Medicine is merely a complementary therapy has marginalized its true potential.

Mitigating Dilution of Insurance Reimbursement

Inadequate insurance reimbursement rates compound the problem of underpayment for Asian Medicine Practitioners.

Insurance companies often provide minimal coverage for  treatments or impose arbitrary restrictions on the number of allowable sessions. This not only diminishes the financial returns for practitioners but also restricts patients from fully accessing the benefits of our care. These low reimbursement rates significantly burden Asian Medicine Practitioners, hindering the ability to sustain practices, invest in professional development, and acquire necessary resources.

Establishing​ Standardized Fees in the Industry

The absence of standardized fee schedules and fee parity across healthcare professions further intensifies challenges.

Asian Medicine Practitioners navigate a complex landscape where their services are undervalued compared to other healthcare providers, undermining their financial stability and impeding practice growth and expansion.

The Role of the Asian Medicine Practitioner as

"The People's Doctor"

Many Asian Medicine Practitioners possess a philanthropic mindset, considering themselves “the people’s doctors” with a genuine desire to help their communities and make Eastern Medicine accessible to all. While commendable, this compassionate approach can inadvertently contribute to the undervaluation of Asian Medicine and perpetuate the misconception that it is a low-cost or discounted alternative. It is essential to highlight Eastern Medicine’s actual clinical value as a valuable and effective complete medical practice in its own right.


High Education Costs

The financial complexities in the Asian Medicine industry are compounded by the exorbitant costs of education and the burden of student debt, often ranging from $150,000-$200,000. Asian Medicine education and training programs have seen significant cost increases, resulting in graduates entering the field with substantial student loans. This financial burden hampers practice growth and limits resources available to passionate practitioners, potentially diminishing their enthusiasm for the profession.

Addressing the Lack of

Business Development Education

The Asian Medicine industry is predominantly fragmented in the U.S., with most practitioners working independently or in small groups. This fragmentation intensifies the challenges practitioners face, as they require medical knowledge and diverse skills as entrepreneurs, business strategists, and marketing experts.
While traditional schooling primarily focuses on clinical and theoretical aspects, they often fall short of providing comprehensive training in business. Practitioners may struggle to achieve long-term success without a solid foundation in marketing strategies, financial management, and patient retention techniques. To overcome this effectively, practitioners need comprehensive business development education to start and manage successful practices.

Regulatory Challenges

Asian Medicine practitioners currently face regulatory pressures and encroachment on their scope of work. Burdensome requirements, such as documentation and billing regulations, detract from their ability to prioritize patient care. Moreover, the emergence of practices like dry needling encroaches on their expertise and dilutes the integrity of acupuncture. The ongoing tension between established governing models and the acupuncture profession emphasizes the importance of preserving acupuncturists’ unique identity and scope of practice while fostering collaboration and mutual respect among different healthcare disciplines.

AMCG: A Beacon of Support to All Asian Medicine Practitioners

We understand that the challenges outlined here merely scratch the surface of what thousands of practitioners face daily. This motivated us to establish AMCG, offering the entire industry a resilient and constructive path toward independent financial success.

We have devised a unique network model that addresses providers’ key challenges. Through our strategic partnership with Affordable Asian Medicine Consultants (AAMC), we shape the industry as a win-win-win for providers, patients, and the entire field. AAMC sets fair treatment pricing and provides patient financing options to increase affordability, ensuring practitioners are appropriately compensated while enabling patients to access critical services without compromising the value of Asian Medicine.
As an AMCG member, you can access various professional and business development programs, patient education, and outreach campaigns. These resources empower you with essential skills to enhance the patient experience, bolster practice growth, and promote a prosperous industry.

Learn More about the benefits you can capitalize on today!