
Global Benchmarks &

AMCG Certification Requirements

World Health Organization versus
U.S. Traditional Asian Medicine Education

Where Standards Matter

The Verification Process

Our verification process will validate whether or not you meet certain qualifications in Eastern Asian Medicine. Once certified, this will grant you access to our membership benefits at different levels of engagement. There are two main levels which are as follows:

Basic Certification Track (Free)

Access to the AAMC Network, Asian Medicine Roundtable Replay, Latest Research

Advanced Certification Track ($4,000)

Basic + Customer Service, Bedside Manner, Front Desk Office Flow, Financials, Economics Training, Practice Management, Social Media Templates Pandemic Training, Emergency Response Team Training, Solar Cycle Training, Mentorship, Asian Medicine Roundtable LIVE

In order to qualify, you must have at least 1,815 hours of Asian Medicine education and/or have graduated an accredited institution. Currently, the W.H.O. has standards for Asian Medicine and below is a comparison of the standards.

WHO Definitions

Basic Requirements The fundamental level of knowledge and skills needed for people with various backgrounds who are aiming to provide a limited acupuncture service, which will be combined as part of their treatment options.

Advanced Requirements The higher level of knowledge and skills (in addition to that under the basic requirements) needed for people with various backgrounds who are aiming to provide a comprehensive acupuncture service, which will enable them to become a specialized acupuncture practitioner.

Full Training The acupuncture training programme designed for people without a previous medical background. It includes complete learning modules for acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, conventional medical knowledge and other relevant areas to satisfy both basic and advanced requirements.

Adapted Training The acupuncture training programme designed for people with a traditional or conventional medical background. It includes adjusted learning modules for acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, conventional medical knowledge and other relevant areas to satisfy both basic and advanced requirements.

88% of all countries globally are estimated to use traditional medicine according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Traditional Asian Medicine Around the World

The global complementary and alternative medicine market size was valued at USD 117.21 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 25.1% from 2023 to 2030.

In 2022, traditional alternative medicine held a 34.19% market share. Traditional medicines are the most commonly utilized in both developed and developing nations.

Nearly 1 in 5 people in the U.S. population report using an herb for treatment of health conditions and/or health promotion.

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